Host a Baby Shower
Any time - just contact us!
|At your church or home
Bless parents who have courageously chosen life by throwing a baby shower to expand our Baby Boutique or donating baby items for new moms and dads at our center.

Time & Location
Any time - just contact us!
At your church or home
About the Event
Would your group/church consider hosting a baby shower for our new moms and dads?
It is unfortunately not uncommon to find patients who do not have anyone pouring into them or encouraging them. Our clients could use tangible support but we would also love for a group to come alongside our patients to speak to them about God’s everlasting love for them.
It is always such a special gift and for some of our clients, it is the only baby shower they receive.
We would love to help assist you. To organize an amazing outreach to benefit our clients, please contact us for more information: send us a msesage or call us directly. THANK YOU!!
Some of the needed items are:
- diapers and wipes - especially large size diapers (3s, 4s, and 5s)
- infant and toddler clothes
- new car seats
- pack n plays (and pack n play sheets and mattresses - some clients use it as a crib)
- formula and/or breastfeeding supplies
- baby food
- baby carriers and baby seats
- high chair
- strollers